As I am preparing to send Madison to Kindergarten on Thursday it go me thinking about traditions around the first day of school. In 3 years Brayden will be going and I want to make sure we do something special for her and him. Below are the traditions that I am going to start with her, thank you to my family and friends for their suggestions. I can’t wait to celebrate the start of school.
1. First Day Of School Picture – A great way to remember the first day of school is taking a picture either on your front steps or at your child’s school entrance sign. I am taking Madison’s picture for the first day of school with her sign on our front porch. The talented Melissa at Bugbuddy Creations made my sign and I love it. It is made of wood and I know it will come in handy for years to come. *Little tip if your bus comes early like ours and you don’t to be in a rush the first day, take the picture the weekend or evening before. 😉

2. School Years Eve Party – We will be having a party the night before to get her excited about starting school. I was searching Pinterest for ideas and came across these cute printables. I love the back to school interview, that is definitely a keeper for her keepsake box. Click here to get your free copies.

3. Morning Surprise – Similar to her birthday we will be putting balloons and a sign on her door to make the early morning fun. I want her to feel super special on her first day and have a great time. There is nothing better than waking up to balloons when you open your door.
4. Special Breakfast – There is nothing better than starting the day with your favorite breakfast before getting on the bus. We will be doing Madison’s favorite breakfast burritos, she isn’t much of a waffle girl.
5. Special Snack – A lot of my friends shared that they do a special snack after getting off the bus or getting home from after school care. I will be making her favorite sugar cookies as a sweet surprise to come home to.
6. Special Dinner – I know we can’t wait to hear about her special day and she will be excited to share. We will be taking her out for a special mommy, daddy, daughter dinner to hear all about her day.
7. Notes in Lunch Box – We are writing a few days worth of notes for Madison so we can sneak them in her lunch box. We want her to know that we are thinking of her and wanting to send a little love to her. My hubby and I sat down one night and wrote them out, she’s in kindergarten so the notes are pretty simple. If you need a few ideas here are some cute ones.
8. Letter to Future – We will also be writing a letter to her to read in the future. I will be just writing down some message and thoughts for her about her first day at school to read to her on graduation day. I will be saving them on our cloud drive and in her memento box.
9. Special Book – The night before school we will be ready a special book all about the night before Kindergarten just to get her excited about the day to come.
10. Moms Freedom Day – First day of Kindergarten and school is a big day for not only your kids but moms and dads too. I will be celebrating this milestone with a special breakfast with my hubby. I will also be having a special lunch with some other Kindergarten moms. There is nothing like celebrating with friends and family, plus it will keep my mind off how sad I will be this day.
What are some of your favorite traditions?